
TRB 2024 Annual Meeting - DMDU Initiative Meeting

The DMDU Initiative met during the TRB 2024 annual meeting to hear about the latest updates on the NCHRP Study into Incorporating Uncertainty to LRTPs (slides linked in Meeting Minutes); discuss key uncertainties in our work (word cloud); and agree to rename the initiative from "Uncertainty" to the Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU). 

Virtual Workshop / Poll - July 2023

The virtual workshop had over 30 attendees and we had 24 responses to the uncertainty poll, about 40% of the uncertainty list membership. Not bad for a summer poll! There was a nice mix of responses from newbies to advanced beginners and right up to the cutting edge. A few highlights: 

There are also some great ideas on focus areas for the uncertainty initiative. These are included in the poll results linked below.

Uncertainty Poll_Summer23.pdf

TRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning Conference - June 2023

Travel Forecasting Uncertainty Workshop

The purpose of this workshop was to advance the AEP50 Travel Forecasting Uncertainty Initiative. The workshop began with table setting presentations and then utilized breakout sessions to explore the four key challenge areas: 

Meeting Summary


Marty Milkovits, Boston Region MPO

Presenters / Facilitators: 

Tierra Bills, UCLA

Rachel Copperman, Cambridge Systematics

Naomi Stein, EBP

Sarah Sun, FHWA


Jay Evans, RSG

Greg Macfarlane, Brigham Young University

Tara Weidner, Oregon DOT

Notes / Summary:

Vivek Yadav, Cambridge Systematics

Attendees: ~60 (6 breakout groups of 8-12) 

Uncertainty Initiative Overview.pdf
Transportation Planning for Uncertain Times.pdf
Uncertainty Modeling in Practice.pdf
NCHRP 08-154 Planning for Uncertainty.pdf